Support Our Work

Other Ways to Make a Gift

We receive no government funding for day-to-day operations, so rely on individuals, foundations and businesses for a majority of our budgetary needs. Following is an outline of the various ways in which you can provide a gift in support of the Indian River Land Trust.

Annual Appeal

The Annual Appeal is an important component to the ongoing operations of the Indian River Land Trust. By making a gift through the Annual Appeal, you are ensuring the continued health of our organization and the continuing land protection and outreach programs we have in place. Annual Appeal gifts supplement annual membership gifts, and are fully tax deductible as allowed by law.

Underwriting and Sponsorship

Each year, the Indian River Land Trust schedules a variety of educational and outreach events and activities to assist in promoting the important work we do. Often, these provide opportunities for underwriting or sponsorship by individuals or businesses who would like to assist us in alleviating costs to our bottom line. If you are interested in receiving a current list of available underwriting and sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Indian River Land Trust office.

Memorial Gifts

Many families choose to request that donations be made in memory of their loved ones in lieu of cards, flowers, or gifts. The Indian River Land Trust is honored to be a recipient organization of memorial gifts and works with donors and families to appropriately recognize both the gifts and the loved ones in whose name memorial gifts are given.

Planned Giving

Planned giving is an important way through which individuals can provide support to organizations about which they care. It is through planned giving programs that a donor can work with a charitable organization to develop a strategic gift program through his/her estate plan. A planned gift can be a simple bequest or a complex charitable trust. They are extremely important to the non-profit organization for which they are designed, but can be beneficial as well to the donor and his/her heirs. If you are interested in discussing a planned gift to the Indian River Land Trust, please contact our office.

Save the land and water you love, for the people you love - Make a Legacy Gift

Donate a Property Easement (Placing a Conservation Easement on Your Land):

Using definitive criteria, the Land Trust sometimes accepts conservation easements as a way to protect an important conservation property that a landowner wishes to continue to own and manage. Conservation easement offer flexibility and can be written to meet the particular needs of a landowner while protecting the property's resources. An easement on property containing rare wildlife habitat might prohibit any development, for example, while one on a grove or ranch might allow continued farming and the building of additional agricultural-related structures. If the donation benefits the public by permanently protecting important conservation resources and meets other federal tax code requirements, it can qualify as a charitable donation. The amount of a tax-deductible donation is typically the difference between the land's value with the easement in place and its value without the easement.

If you are interested in placing a conservation easement on your land, contact the Indian River Land Trust. Staff will be able to discuss possible options and whether the property meets the Land Trust's criteria for accepting an easement. Always consult with other family members regarding an easement, and remember that you should consult with your own attorney or financial advisor.